Outreach Ministry Update

Outreach Ministry

Greetings in the sweet name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our God is so wonderful and doing awesome things in our ministry field. From the Body of Christ ministries God has enabled us to arrange an outreach program to our ISM (International School of Ministry) students as well as GCH Children. About 17 members joined in this program to do the ministry in Kerala sea shore. This is the place where lot of fisherman community lives. These are the places where Pastor. M. Paulose, Mrs. Sarojam Paulose did there pioneer mission works and it is also a vision given by God for the BCM.  

Our team members departed from Rameswaram and reached southern kerala at midnight. After a short rest, in the early morning around 5:30 AM our team members started the ministry in the sea shore called KalaKoottam. The atmosphere was very quiet and found many people living in the sea shore side. We selected a proper place where lot of people gathers and started preaching the Gospel through mega phone. On this starting day Pastor M. Paulose and Mrs. Sarojam Paulose were there with us for the ministry. We have a chart with us which contains information about the Gospel along with the biblical pictures. Mrs. Sarojam Paulose explained this chart and shared the Gospel with the people. The people who gathered there were keenly listened the Gospel and were believed in the Lord. Then we divided our team members and distributed tracts and Gospel literatures to all the people who surrounded us and to all the houses there. This program was an outstanding program and the team members were encouraged to do ministry more effectively.


 After this program we were led under the leadership of Pastor. Divakar and Sister. Sara. They guided us to reach another area and we divided the team into three and went to three different places to do the ministry. In all these places we found many children playing and wandering here and there because of the school vacation. So using this opportunity, we gathered all the children and started teaching songs with actions and told bible stories to the children. They all were so happy and involved in all the activities. We have conducted games and distributed balloons and prizes to the children.  We shared the Gospel with them and prayed for them. Most of the children surrendered their lives for Jesus while praying. It was an awesome time for all the team members doing such ministry. Praise the Lord.


After a short rest and Lunch, we went to a place called Puthukurichy to do the ministry. There God enabled our team to visit the houses and to distribute Gospel literatures to the people. Many people happily received us in their houses and were attentive to listen from us. We shared them the pure Gospel and encourage them to go spiritual churches for worship. Then we went to a church for our stay. There we prepared and had the dinner. Then we prayed for an hour for the ministry we done on that day. God’s name was greatly glorified.

On the next morning, we woke up and we prayed from 5 to 6 AM for the ministry we have to do on that day. Then we reached a place called Kochuveli. Here the bible college students performed a skit describing about the burden of a man. Many people gathered and watched with great enthusiasm. After the skit we distributed tracts to the gathered people. Then the Gospel chart was explained clearly to the people. Hearing the Gospel many people accepted Christ as their saviour. Following that we explained the chart in two more villages and shared the Gospel truths with the people. Then we entered into another village and started sharing the Gospel. During this time few Hindu fanatics, stopped us and not allowed us to continue the Gospel, so we moved on to other villages and distributed Gospel tracts to the people by visiting their houses. People were very much eager to receive the tracts and we were so happy about that.


After the lunch we went to a market named Poonthurai where lot of people gathers. Here we conducted the skit named Burden and explained the Chart to the people. Different religious people heard the Gospel and were believed in the Lord. In the evening we prayed for the perishing souls to be saved and for the ministry we did on that day for 2 hours and then we prepared dinner and went for rest.

Next day was a challenging day and we went to a place called Valiathurai. Here we did door to door ministry by distributing Gospel literatures and sharing the Gospel. Most of the people here are other religious. So when we returned back we found most of the tracts thrown in front of their houses. We collected it back and prayed for such stone hearted people to be saved. On the way we found two grandmas, who were so sick and was not able to walk for long days. We went there and prayed for their healing. God heard our prayers and healed them completely. After prayer they were able to walk and we together praised the Lord.

Throughout this day we faced oppositions to the ministry, but on the other side God did great wonders to fulfil His will and purpose. On the way back to our ministry we went to a tourist place called Sangumugam and shared what God has done through this ministry and we all glorified the Lord Almighty by thanking and Praising Him.


On the next day we went to some of the tourist places in Trivandrum, Kerala and we went to Neyyar Dam for the visit. We praised the Lord for His wonder working Hands. Then we went to a fasting prayer meeting in the place called Vellarada. There God spoke to us through His words. We all were encouraged through the fasting prayer and again we went to a place called Naalumavadi where thousands of people gathered for an intercessory monthly prayer meeting. There we prayed for countries and for the perishing souls. They led us to pray for the salvation of India. We were filled with joy in these meetings. We all were encouraged and empowered through these prayers and gatherings.                                                                                       

We were privileged to do this outreach ministry. We were so happy in distributing Gospel literatures, involving in skits and sharing the Gospel. We could see lot of people accepting the Lord. We praise the Lord for His mighty leadings. We extend our heartfelt thanks for making this opportunity to Pastor M. Paulose and BCM ministries. God Bless you

                                                     Thank you

